


This is the year I graduated from the business college. The year of a new millennium and an ongoing search for a purpose and meaning. What now? With a business Diploma in International Marketing, I had to try if I could – and wanted – to make it in the business world. Of course my latent agenda with the study was always to be better able to market my self as an artist. But an artistic turmoil was brewing; this is the year the TORA Victoria Project was instigated.   

Artist Thor Ludwig Stiefel - TORA
TORA Victoria. 3D model made for the TORA Victoria Music CD cover. 2000
CD label for the TORA Victoria Music CD. CG, 2000
FunkyDoo from TORA Victoria Music. Dur. 5min. 32sec. 2000
Villtu? From TORA Victoria Music. Dur. 3min. 6sec. 2000
Setning from TORA Victoria Music. Dur. 3min. 6sec. 2000
Jarðaróður from TORA Victoria Music. Dur. 2min 59sec. 2000
Ambiento from TORA Victoria Music. Dur. 3min 43sec. 2000
Talking on the phone. CG, 2000
Pose. Digital painting, 2000
Dressing. Vector drawing, 2000
Alien child, Vector drawing, 2000
Silk stockings. Vector drawing, Adobe Illustrator, 2000
TORA Victoria logo. CG, 2000
Self portrait. Vector drawing. 2000
TORA Victoria Logo. CG, 2000
Van Hekelen Logo. CG, 2000