This was a year of reflection. After years of taking university courses, getting creative input and being influenced in all sort of positive ways and challenged artistically – it was now time for me to contemplate. Who am I? What is my place in Art? What do I have to say? It was necessary for me to find my own voice, my tone – my light

From the exhibition at the The Association of Icelandic Visual Artists gallery SÍM

A lone walk
I walked through the Dark forest
not knowing where I was
who I am.
I walked,
and I walked
and walked.
I saw people there
“Hello mister.”
“Greetings to you sir.”
They said.
And they didn’t saw me.
Tears were in my eyes.
I – feeble little flower.
Holding on to its roots.
In a storm of superficiality.
“Oh sorry mate – I never get it right mister.”
A little girl hardened by obscurity.
They can not see me; perhaps they never will.
And I walk deeper into the Dark forest.
It is better there.
For some time
A lone walk
That seems to last forever
Time, awaits
For something to happen
15 minutes of fame
I am secure.
All he wanted
All I want
All they never will
No googles
Too numb to say something
Auctioning who ever has the biggest
The best
The fraudulent
Fake it till you make it
Forty-nine deaths
They said so on the news
And we are left with a scar
A question
And they say he was one of us
I was there
In my heart
Just another bloody shooting
Is it evil
Or simply
Human nature?
I came
into this world.
Forgot my self
for awhile.
Now I am here
still remembering.
Life, it seems
to me
an art piece
of self expression.
But don´t ask me
what art is.